
domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

Famous people in the USA

As we know, a lot of famous people live in the USA. Normally, the famous people have a lot of money and they have lifes full of luxuries. They are usually actors and actresses or singers. We're going to talk about three of the most famous people nowadays. For example, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Will Smith. The three of them live in mansions and have millions of dollars.


Justin Bieber is a teenager that started singing when he was 10, and after 3 or 4 years he became a very famous singer, but we think that this boy isn't really a good singer and in our opinion he's just a mollycoddle. He has a lot of money and he's very young and in some magazines he says that he doesn't really know how to make his bed! Here you have some pictures of him and his house.


Britney Spears is a very famous and rich singer, she's 31 years old

and she has a son. Her life hasn't been very easy and normal, she has always been a problematic and very rebel girl and she has been in jail more than once. About her music we can say that she has very good pop songs but her music videos are sometimes a little provocative because of the way she moves and the clothes she wears. She has millions of followers and they say she's ''The Queen of Pop'' but she isn't because Madonna is the one.


Will Smith is a very famous actor and rap singer, he's from Pensilvania and he's 43 years old. His wife name is Jada Pinket Smith and they have two children called Jaden Christopher Syre and Willow Camille Reign but Will Smith before marrying with Jada had another son with Sheree Zampino called 'Trey'. He's a great actor and he has win a lot of prizes.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

American interchanges

Nowadays,there are organising some interchange programmes to many different countries where you can learn different languages but mostly the interchanges are organised to the USA  to learn english.You can do a lot of types of interchanges as going to a camp or going to a family.There are a lot of interchanges agencies with a wide programation of activities.They help you with everything related with the flight and staff like that. 
Some students decide just to go to the USA or to England during the summer, but other ones prefer to go for a course and do there their studies. In our opinion spending in the USA a hole year studing there and learning to live like them ir a really gratificant experience for someones live and you also meet people from other countries and you surely would make a lot of friends!

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Celebrations in the USA

Here you have some of the most famous celebration in the USA.

The International Day of the Woman has been celebrated for more than eight decades. Women and men who work for the reason of the woman, commemorate in the whole world the efforts that this one has realized for reaching the equality, the justice, the peace and the development. 

The women of five continents organize diverse events to feast this day and to countersign the conscience of which not only the half of the obligations, but also of the rights, they correspond to them. The women of the five continents organize diverse events to celebrate this day and to countersign the conscience of not only the half of the obligations, but also of the rights they correspond to them. 

Traditionally before the dawn of January 6 the americans wake up looking for his gifts that have been left by the kings. Everything seems to be very exciting for the children, who sleep lightly and listen to some noises, sighs, or probably strange sounds of the hookings of the camels, as it happens in the story of the arrival of the kings. In the morning everyone fills with the happiness and the laugh of the happy children, who enjoy their new toys. It's completely a happy day and later a dinner is done to celebrate with friends and in family the event. 

This day is characterized for giving a white teddy bear with a red heart in his hand that brings engraved diverse messages of love.
12TH OCTOBER, THE AMERICA'S DAY:This day is celebrated in honoring to the discoverer of this fascinating continent, Christopher Colombus.

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

4th July, independence day (United States)

In the United States, the independence day is celebrated on July 4. On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of independence. The United States Declaration of independence is a document in which thirteen colonies in North America declared its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain and explained their reasons for this action. The new nation that this statement would be the United States of America. It was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson in June and July, 1776, during the War of the independence of the United States, and it was ratified by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is the triumph of the American colonists and the principle of self-government. This anniversary is celebrated as independence day in the United States. An original copy of the document is on display to the public in the U.S. National Archives in Washington, DC. The independence of the colonies was recognized by Great Britain on September 3, 1783 by the Treaty of Paris.


Christmas in USA

Christmas in The United States is a celebration that already comes inside a season called " season of holidays " that begins on 4th of November in the Thanksgiving Day and ends on January 6th. With the beginning of the season of holidays, in some big cities like New York, they organize a great parade with Santa Claus, the man who brings presents for the children in the night of the 24th.
A characteristic of American Christmas is that not only the houses are decorated by enormous Christmas trees and colorful lights, also the public sites are decorated. In our opinion, USA is one of the best sites where you can enjoy Christmas because everyone is in the street doing some shopping and Christmas environment is breathed.

Here there are some photos of New York at Christmas:

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012


The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President of the United States (the head of state and head of government), Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government, and the federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments.

The executive branch is headed by the President and is independent of the legislature. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch (or judiciary), composed of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, exercises judicial power (or judiciary). The judiciary's function is to interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations. This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative branches.


The most famous groups or singers in America could be for example, Bruce Springsteen, Frank Sinatra, Pink, Madonna, Marylin Manson, Lady Gaga, John Mayer, Lenny Kravitz, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley...
Here you have the most famous songs of some of them:

  This are pop singers but there are also different types of music such as, conutry, jazz, blues, rock, R&B, Opera, Orchestral music, Musicals...

American sport

The USA has a wide range of different sports.Some of those just practiced by american people for example the american football or the baseball and in other countries has made their variation of those sports but nearly with the same rules as the australian football or the kricket.In the USA ,they also do international sports for example the soccer(football)or the basketball.The last sport I mentioned has a big inportances in the USA because they have the best league of the wold.But otherwise the importance of the sport in the USA is based in the american football and the baseball.Both of them are relly interesting .And in all of them they used to have cheerleaders.

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

American food

In the USA they are used to eat fastfood such as Mc Donalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken......this is beacuse they work too many hours and they don't have enough time to eat, so they buy that kind of food and they eat it seated in a bench of the park. Here you have some pictures about the most famous fastfood restaurants in America.